Community Employment
The Community Employment (CE) programme is designed to help people who are long-term unemployed and other disadvantaged people to get back to work by offering part-time and temporary placements in jobs based within local communities. Participants can take up other part-time work during their placement. After the placement, participants are encouraged to seek permanent part-time and full-time jobs elsewhere based on the experience and new skills they have gained while in a Community Employment scheme. The Community Employment programme is administered by the Department of Social Protection (DSP).
St. Andrew's Community Centre employs several people through the use of CE Schemes, with positions such as receptionists, care takers, kitchen staff, cleaners and care workers for the elderly. Certain members of CE staff must go through Garda Vetting if they work with those who are vulnerable. All participants of CE Schemes are eligible for training in relation to the role they are employed in.
If you would like to inquire about the positions available through our CE Scheme within the area, please contact Therese Malone or Michelle Kenny on 01 - 453 0744 or at